We are constantly learning and upgrading our skill set to make sure
we stay up to date with the latest technologies.
we demonstrated our expertise in building complex applications with Laravel
we employ several Laravel Certified developers
we know and apply all the best practices in the Laravel community
We follow the latest industry standards in API design. Efficient APIs reach a wider audience for your app,
encourage integrations with other services and better prepare apps for future changes in technology.No more arguing about how client requests and server responses should be formatted. By following JSON:API standards, we increase productivity and decrease the number of requests and the size of data packages.
API-driven development allows our developers to work simultaneously on the frontend and backend of your app. And to share resources in such a way that it doesn`t block anyone from getting their tasks done.
We define our APIs using the OpenAPI 3 specification and use Swagger tools to design, build, document and consume REST APIs. This makes generating API documentation and testing calls a lot easier.
You cannot be master of all trades, so our developers focus entirely on a stack capable of building
unicorns. From one of the most elegant web frameworks out there to the most versatile frontend technologies and development tools.Flexible server architecture, High Availability configurations and load balancing capabilities are in our
day-to-day mix. Take a look at these other powertools in our toolkit.
Docker makes creating, deploying and running apps easier by using containers. This means more efficient resource management and a more friendly environment for CI/CD.
We use this container orchestration system to automate the software deployment, scaling and management of cloud native applications across a cluster of hosts.
Stability is crucial for any app. Nginx is a web server, which can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache. Which makes it great for the busiest apps on the web.
PM2 is a cross-platform, production-level process manager. We use it to keep an eye on our apps` performance, from efficient microservices management to High Availabiliy configurations.
The Apache HTTP Server is the world's most widely used web server. We use it because it’s easy to customize, easy to manage and one of the most reliable servers out there.
We use Redis for its database, cache and message broker functions, as it supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with ranged queries and bitmaps.
Google Cloud Platform provides reliable and highly scalable cloud computing services. We use it to host virtual machines, safely store and migrate data and deploy apps in the cloud.
Backed by Amazon’s massive infrastructure, AWS gives you access to computing and storage resources when and how you need them. We use it to securely host, deploy and migrate apps.
We use Digital Ocean to deploy apps, because it removes infrastructure friction and provides predictibility. This way we can easily build, test, manage and scale apps of any size.
Developers are the rockstars. They do the heavy lifting one line of code at a time. Our developers have experience working across distributed teams, continents and industries. You manage the project and our skilled developers join your team full-time or part-time.
I want thisGet a constellation of people with experience working together and an ecosystem of tools, skills and know-how. In short, a battle-tested team which can deliver, with just the right roles. From visionary project managers to nit-picking testers and creative UI designers.
I want this