March 5th, 2025, posted in learning
by Miruna
Together with Themesberg, we launched a versatile tool for building apps 10x times faster. Anything from blogs and lightweight ecommerce platforms to custom SaaS. Think of Volt PRO Laravel Admin Dashboard as a development Swiss Army knife complete with an awesome UI, ready-made Laravel CRUDs for the most common functionalities and Livewire and Alpine.js integrations.
Volt PRO Laravel Admin Dashboard is a multi-purpose tool for building complex apps and it comes with resources meant to make both frontend and backend tasks easier.
Cut down development time on frontend tasks with:
- 800+ handcrafted Bootstrap UI components. From the basic building blocks such as buttons and inputs to complex elements like tables and charts, you have everything you need for an awesome UI. Handcrafted by professional designers.
- 21 example pages to get your frontend inspiration going. You can use them as a starting point or as they are. The examples cover both frequently used pages such as sign in and sign up and more advanced examples, like Kanban and transactions.
- 10 lightweight Vanilla JS plugins to extend functionalities for your custom needs. Some of these include calendar, SVG maps, datepickers, notifications, drag and drop uploads and more.
Cut down development time on backend tasks with:
- Laravel CRUDs for the most used functionalities in any CMS:
#role-based authentication system
#my profile
#CRUDs for managing users, roles, items, categories and tags
- Livewire and Alpine.js integrations. Build dynamic UIs easier without leaving the comfort of your favourite framework.
A full stack Swiss Army knife for building apps
Below are three of the most popular options you can start building right away using Volt PRO Laravel Admin Dashboard.
Lightweight e-commerce - easily add products, create categories to organize products, add tags, customize item management to save prices or add additional custom fields
Lightweight CMS - manage content by creating categories and tags. Create, view and update items and decide who has access to various types of content based on roles.
Blog - add articles and tags to find articles easier, create categories for organizing blog articles and easily manage your blog users.
If you want to see what Volt PRO Laravel Admin Dashboard has to offer check out the limited feature open-source demo version.