Introducing UFOs. The undeniable proof that good UX is out here.


July 21st, 2021, posted in learning
by Saiona

A good user experience (UX) and a solid user interface (UI) shouldn't be out of reach for any app. UI/UX best practices is not something that just exists “out there”, alien to development and real life. They are tools you can use. And that can make a big difference in the usability and overall success of your app.


Good UI cannot exist without good UX. The way components - dropdowns, datepickers, input fields etc., navigations or entire sections of an app look and feel (the UI) is directly impacted by the way they are meant to be used (the UX).  


At UPDIVISION, we`ve been building complex web and mobile apps for over ten years. Based on thousands of hours of design meetings and feedback, we've organized what we`ve learned into a 3+1 UI/UX framework, called UFOs. You can use this framework to better understand how the UI/UX process works, what to expect and what are reasonable goals to have. And, last but not least, you can use it to build great apps, the kind your users deserve. 



The truth is out here:   

  • Understanding - good UI/UX design solves real-life problems. This means understanding both the industry aspects and the user aspects of the software you`re building. What similar software is there on the market? How does the intended purpose of the app change the UX approach, e.g. SaaS versus software used internally by a company for their own teams? 


  • Foundation - these are the things no app can do without. From layouting to grids and general navigation, this is the backbone of the UI/UX design process.


  • Original design & functionality - good design stands out. This component of the framework addresses everything from the small touches that can improve an app`s overall look & feel to heavily customized features.  


  • stress testing - good design doesn't break. It does what it's supposed to do and it makes it easier for users to accomplish their tasks and reach their goals. This last step is all about getting feedback on your UI from stakeholders and testing it with your end users. Sometimes this might send you back to the drawing board, but iteration is at the heart of good UX. 


Last, but not least, the UFOs UI/UX Framework is here to dispel two myths. We can't really say if aliens exist or not, but we can say for sure that: 

1.) The best designers don`t ask “How?”, they always ask “Why?”. “How” only begs the question and reinforces existing ways of thinking. “Why” is the question which kicks off real brainstorming. And has led to some of the best ideas in history.  

2.) Beautiful design which is hard to use is just as bad as a bad design. It's time to take art out of UI/UX design and put some craft into it.


Each component of the UFOs UI/UX Framework is addressed in a series of articles. The list will be constantly updated in the menu below as we publish new articles.



Ask “Why”, not “How”. The mindset shift for creating powerful apps

How to talk the walk. Understand the app you need to build through preliminary interviews

Book Review - The Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick

Dear UI/UX designers, here’s how to get to know your users




Design workflows: getting your s**t together in Figma

The anatomy of a UI Kit. What it is and how to use it in Figma

The Design of Everyday Apps: How to Improve Your App’s Usability

Include all users: how to make your designs more accessible



Original design & functionality

Heavy-duty UI design. Tips & tricks for designing data-heavy apps

10 quick fixes to make your design stand out

15 color and font combos to jumpstart your new designs

Dear UI/UX designers, here’s how to make Figma your best friend

How to make your designs code-ready for Tailwind CSS



stress testing

Break it before you make it. 3 ways to test your UI design before coding it

The feedback formula. Getting useful feedback from your clients

Dear UI/UX designers, here’s how to test apps you designed



Still an unbeliever? Instead of emailing SETI, drop us a line at [email protected] to see our UFOs in action. 


About the author


I play with Figma and words. UI designer by day, copywriter by background. I enjoy creating worlds in which people feel connected. Either as user experiences or as poetry and short stories. I am forever fascinated by human creativity.

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