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Frequently asked questions

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In the long-run, hiring a freelancer is not always cheaper and employing your own developers is not always easy. Over time, freelancers have hidden costs, because they come and go and they usually lack the infrastructure of hard skills, experience and know-how a development team has. This might result in you redoing the same project over and over again with different people.

Regarding hiring, software development is notoriously one of the toughest recruiting markets. You can search months for the right people and still come up empty handed, especially for projects requiring highly specialized skills. The recruiting alone might end up costing as much as a small software project. However, as a wise man once said: if you think it's expensive to hire a good software developer, try hiring a cheap one.

Once bug-free and launched, we found that apps are less about maintenance and more about continuous development. Of course, we do our fair share of hotfixes and try to solve production issues as soon as they come up. But, for the most part, maintenance is about keeping apps relevant. Relevant to your business needs and your clients` expectations. So this might mean adding new, highly-demanded features, improving on the beta version or the occasional framework update.

We like to keep things transparent and well documented. This applies to the handover as well. Besides going through user stories and technical docs, you can set up calls with our team to get your developers up to speed. During handover, we basically act as your Product Owner and technical advisor. We help your new devs get accustomed with the overall app flow, the codebase, the deployment environment and any potential pitfalls.

If you paid for it, you own it. Literally. All IP rights go to you, from prototype to end product.