Technology stories, mostly.

Here we write about our journey into the extraordinary world of app development. You'll find how to articles. Useful bits of code and wisdom. And news about us.

How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 3). Modals, cards, tables & more

February 28th, 2023, posted in learning
by Adelina

How we built a UI Kit in Figma (Part 3). Modals, cards, tables & more

Part 3 of our series on how we built a UI kit in Figma. This time we`re looking at more complex items like modals, cards, pagination, tabs and tables.
Our top static analysis tools to improve PHP Laravel code quality

February 17th, 2023, posted in tech_stuff
by Andrei D., Saiona

Our top static analysis tools to improve PHP Laravel code quality

As a PHP Laravel developer, there are a lot of great static analysis tools you can use. Especially if you work on large projects with tight deadlines and a lot of code that needs to be reviewed daily.