Technology stories, mostly.

Here we write about our journey into the extraordinary world of app development. You'll find how to articles. Useful bits of code and wisdom. And news about us.

Turning your UI/UX designs into user stories

July 28th, 2022, posted in for_founders
by Saiona

Turning your UI/UX designs into user stories

This is the second article in a three-part series called “A design-first approach to writing great user stories”. In the series, we talk about why we need to approach product discovery in a more visual way and how to do that in order to write better user stories.
How to use UI/UX as a tool to discuss, clarify and agree on app requirements

July 11th, 2022, posted in for_founders
by Saiona

How to use UI/UX as a tool to discuss, clarify and agree on app requirements

This is the first article in a three-part series called “A design-first approach to writing great user stories”. In the series, we talk about why we need to approach product discovery in a more visual way and how to do that in order to write better user stories.
A design-first approach to writing great user stories

July 4th, 2022, posted in for_founders
by Saiona

A design-first approach to writing great user stories

Product Discovery has relied far too long on user stories as a tool for gathering requirements. What if design can serve the same purpose, but more effectively? What if this in turn leads to writing better user stories?