Technology stories, mostly.

Here we write about our journey into the extraordinary world of app development. You'll find how to articles. Useful bits of code and wisdom. And news about us.

Dear UI/UX designers, here’s how to test apps you designed

June 1st, 2022, posted in learning
by Adelina

Dear UI/UX designers, here’s how to test apps you designed

Your design is done, and your development team coded most of it. As a designer, you have a chance to test it and find any possible issues. How do you find things you missed while designing? How can you find broken or nonsensical user flows?
Dear UI/UX designers, here’s how to get to know your users

May 27th, 2022, posted in learning, tech_stuff
by Adelina

Dear UI/UX designers, here’s how to get to know your users

There's a lot to figure out when you begin to work on a new app. A lot of it has to do with getting to know your users. What is their day to day life like? What part will this app play in their life?
[Foundation Series] The Design of Everyday Apps: How to Improve Your App’s Usability

March 3rd, 2022, posted in learning
by Adelina

[Foundation Series] The Design of Everyday Apps: How to Improve Your App’s Usability

Using an app shouldn’t be difficult, and if users make mistakes it’s not always their fault. So here are some tips on creating more efficient user flows.
[Original Design Series] 10 quick fixes to make your design stand out

February 17th, 2022, posted in learning
by Saiona

[Original Design Series] 10 quick fixes to make your design stand out

Original design is a creative way of using not so original (but tried and tested) methods. These methods work because they follow core design principles which, if you ignore, it will only make your designs (and users) suffer.
[Stress Testing Series] The feedback formula. Getting useful feedback from your clients

January 27th, 2022, posted in learning
by Saiona

[Stress Testing Series] The feedback formula. Getting useful feedback from your clients

Here is our formula for getting good feedback, understanding the design problem space and developing solutions aligned with business objectives.
Dear UI/UX designers: here’s how to work with developers

January 18th, 2022, posted in learning
by Adelina

Dear UI/UX designers: here’s how to work with developers

UI/UX designers and software developers do a lot of work together. And a big part of good software development is making sure they do it right. So here are some of our tips.
[Stress Testing Series] Break it before you make it. 3 ways to test your UI design before coding it

November 5th, 2021, posted in learning, for_founders
by Saiona

[Stress Testing Series] Break it before you make it. 3 ways to test your UI design before coding it

Testing your UI design before implementing it can save a lot of development time. And we`re not talking just about getting the look & feel right.
[Foundation Series] The anatomy of a UI Kit. What it is and how to use it in Figma

September 27th, 2021, posted in learning
by Saiona

[Foundation Series] The anatomy of a UI Kit. What it is and how to use it in Figma

Learn how to use a UI Kit and UI components in Figma and understand the UI/UX design process better.
[Understanding Series] How to talk the walk. Understand the app you need to build through preliminary interviews

August 5th, 2021, posted in learning
by Saiona

[Understanding Series] How to talk the walk. Understand the app you need to build through preliminary interviews

This article is part of the “U” from UFOs, the business-oriented framework component.
[Understanding Series] Ask “Why”, not “How”. The mindset shift for creating powerful apps

July 30th, 2021, posted in learning
by Saiona

[Understanding Series] Ask “Why”, not “How”. The mindset shift for creating powerful apps

This article is part of the “U” from UFOs, the framework component that strives to help you understand the business-side of apps.