Technology stories, mostly.

Here we write about our journey into the extraordinary world of app development. You'll find how to articles. Useful bits of code and wisdom. And news about us.

Dear UI/UX designers: here’s how to work with developers

January 18th, 2022, posted in learning
by Adelina

Dear UI/UX designers: here’s how to work with developers

UI/UX designers and software developers do a lot of work together. And a big part of good software development is making sure they do it right. So here are some of our tips.
[Stress Testing Series] Break it before you make it. 3 ways to test your UI design before coding it

November 5th, 2021, posted in learning, for_founders
by Saiona

[Stress Testing Series] Break it before you make it. 3 ways to test your UI design before coding it

Testing your UI design before implementing it can save a lot of development time. And we`re not talking just about getting the look & feel right.
[Foundation Series] The anatomy of a UI Kit. What it is and how to use it in Figma

September 27th, 2021, posted in learning
by Saiona

[Foundation Series] The anatomy of a UI Kit. What it is and how to use it in Figma

Learn how to use a UI Kit and UI components in Figma and understand the UI/UX design process better.
[Understanding Series] How to talk the walk. Understand the app you need to build through preliminary interviews

August 5th, 2021, posted in learning
by Saiona

[Understanding Series] How to talk the walk. Understand the app you need to build through preliminary interviews

This article is part of the “U” from UFOs, the business-oriented framework component.
[Understanding Series] Ask “Why”, not “How”. The mindset shift for creating powerful apps

July 30th, 2021, posted in learning
by Saiona

[Understanding Series] Ask “Why”, not “How”. The mindset shift for creating powerful apps

This article is part of the “U” from UFOs, the framework component that strives to help you understand the business-side of apps.
Introducing UFOs. The undeniable proof that good UX is out here.

July 21st, 2021, posted in learning
by Saiona

Introducing UFOs. The undeniable proof that good UX is out here.

Based on thousands of hours of design meetings and feedback, we've organized what we`ve learned into a 3+1 UI/UX framework, called UFOs.
[Original Design Series] Heavy-duty UI design. Tips & tricks for designing data-heavy apps

July 12th, 2021, posted in learning
by Saiona

[Original Design Series] Heavy-duty UI design. Tips & tricks for designing data-heavy apps

Before adding in another multi-level dropdown menu or forcing a thousand-row table inside a modal, check out some of our tips & tricks for handling data-intensive UI.
Book Review: Refactoring UI by Adam Wathan & Steve Schoger

January 15th, 2021, posted in learning
by Saiona

Book Review: Refactoring UI by Adam Wathan & Steve Schoger

Written by “a fullstack developer who used to suck at design” and a UI/UX Designer, “Refactoring UI” could have just as easily been called “Cheating at design”. And that's the great part about it.
Book Review - The Design of Everyday Things By Don Norman

December 18th, 2020, posted in learning
by Adelina

Book Review - The Design of Everyday Things By Don Norman

A review on a book about the psychological aspect of design - the way objects should follow human needs and abilities. And most importantly, the way objects should be designed for proper use.
The Noob Tech Copywriter Diary. Entry 3, where I didn’t expect the unexpected

September 25th, 2020, posted in learning, our_people
by Adelina

The Noob Tech Copywriter Diary. Entry 3, where I didn’t expect the unexpected

User stories, chimps and bugs. Welcome to part 3 of The Noob Tech Copywriter Diary, where you hear about more fun, troubles, and lining things up.