Technology stories, mostly.

Here we write about our journey into the extraordinary world of app development. You'll find how to articles. Useful bits of code and wisdom. And news about us.

How we built a UI Kit in Figma from scratch: The Intro

January 3rd, 2023, posted in learning
by Adelina

How we built a UI Kit in Figma from scratch: The Intro

Intro to our series on how we built our own UI kit in Figma. Learn about how to set up colors, typography, how to create customizable buttons, inputs and other items.
Guide: what is Node.js and how to install it

November 28th, 2022, posted in tech_stuff
by Adelina, Corina

Guide: what is Node.js and how to install it

Find out more about the Node.js ecosystem and how to install Node.js through a step-by-step guide.
Guide: what is LAMP and how to install it on Ubuntu and MacOS

November 25th, 2022, posted in tech_stuff
by Adelina, Corina

Guide: what is LAMP and how to install it on Ubuntu and MacOS

Find out how to install LAMP, one of the most popular software stacks for building web apps. Follow this step-by-step guide for installing LAMP on both Ubuntu and MacOs.
Common UX design mistakes which can make or break your app

November 17th, 2022, posted in for_founders
by Adelina

Common UX design mistakes which can make or break your app

In this article, we’re going to talk about the most common UX design mistakes that can negatively affect your app - and how to fix them.
Dear UI/UX designers, here’s how to make Figma your best friend

October 27th, 2022, posted in learning
by Adelina

Dear UI/UX designers, here’s how to make Figma your best friend

Figma can do so many things, and you might not notice it all right away. So we’re here to save you some time and show you our best Figma tips & tricks.
How to make your designs code-ready for Tailwind CSS

September 1st, 2022, posted in learning
by Adelina

How to make your designs code-ready for Tailwind CSS

Developers work better when the designs you make respect at least a few rules. So here’s how to do that with a UI Kit for Tailwind projects.
Include all users: how to make your designs more accessible

August 4th, 2022, posted in learning
by Adelina

Include all users: how to make your designs more accessible

In this article, we’ll be talking about specific ways you can make your designs accessible. Like pumping up that contrast, making ALT descriptions, and more.
15 color and font combos to jumpstart your new designs

June 23rd, 2022, posted in learning
by Adelina

15 color and font combos to jumpstart your new designs

Design trends come and go, but color theory is forever. Thus, some color and font combos out there can be used throughout a variety of designs.
Book Review - The Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick

June 7th, 2022, posted in for_founders
by Adelina

Book Review - The Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick

Does your business idea pass the Mom Test? Developer turned entrepreneur, Rob Fitzpatrick, talks about how to get proper feedback and ask questions even your mom can't lie to you about.
Dear UI/UX designers, here’s how to test apps you designed

June 1st, 2022, posted in learning
by Adelina

Dear UI/UX designers, here’s how to test apps you designed

Your design is done, and your development team coded most of it. As a designer, you have a chance to test it and find any possible issues. How do you find things you missed while designing? How can you find broken or nonsensical user flows?