Technology stories, mostly.

Here we write about our journey into the extraordinary world of app development. You'll find how to articles. Useful bits of code and wisdom. And news about us.

Introducing the ultimate fullstack tool for building apps - Vue Black Dashboard PRO Laravel

January 8th, 2021, posted in news, tech_stuff
by admin

Introducing the ultimate fullstack tool for building apps - Vue Black Dashboard PRO Laravel

Enjoy two of the most popular frameworks today, Vue.js and Laravel, packed with a sleek design and all the frontend components you might need.
How to get more done with a reusable API backend. Introducing Nuxt Argon Dashboard PRO Laravel

January 7th, 2021, posted in news, tech_stuff
by admin

How to get more done with a reusable API backend. Introducing Nuxt Argon Dashboard PRO Laravel

We’ve teamed up with Creative Tim to bring you the ultimate fullstack resource for building modular apps, Nuxt Argon Dashboard PRO Laravel.
Build API-first apps with Vue Argon Dashboard PRO Laravel

January 6th, 2021, posted in news, tech_stuff
by admin

Build API-first apps with Vue Argon Dashboard PRO Laravel

Save tons of hours of work with a stylish resource that gives you just what your CMS needs, from A to Z: Introducing the Vue Argon Dashboard for Laravel
Kick start 2021 like a PRO with Vue Material Dashboard Laravel

January 5th, 2021, posted in news, tech_stuff
by admin

Kick start 2021 like a PRO with Vue Material Dashboard Laravel

We teamed up with Creative Tim to bring you a Vue.js version of the best-selling Material Dashboard, all powered up by a Laravel API backend.
Book Review - The Design of Everyday Things By Don Norman

December 18th, 2020, posted in learning
by Adelina

Book Review - The Design of Everyday Things By Don Norman

A review on a book about the psychological aspect of design - the way objects should follow human needs and abilities. And most importantly, the way objects should be designed for proper use.
UPDIVISION has been featured in the Emerging Europe Partner Platform 2020

December 15th, 2020, posted in news
by admin

UPDIVISION has been featured in the Emerging Europe Partner Platform 2020

We're glad to announce that UPDIVISION is featured in the Emerging Europe Partner Platform, a directory of the best European service providers.
The Whole Fruit Manifesto. The one thing you are missing to skyrocket your developer career

December 14th, 2020, posted in tech_stuff
by admin

The Whole Fruit Manifesto. The one thing you are missing to skyrocket your developer career

They say developers are bad communicators. We say the opposite can be true. And there's a way to make a coder communicate better in writing: introducing The Whole Fruit Manifesto.
Meet the team. Join in on the fun.

November 20th, 2020, posted in our_people
by Iulia

Meet the team. Join in on the fun.

We, at UPDIVISION, like to brag about our colleagues. And, besides all the great work they put in every day, they have some funny personal facts to share.
On changes and growth: The history of UPDIVISION’s logo

November 19th, 2020, posted in for_founders
by admin

On changes and growth: The history of UPDIVISION’s logo

UPDIVISION has come a long way since its humble digital agency beginnings in 2010. And the more mature and professional we got, the more grown-up our logos became. So here is a run down of our logos throughout our almost 11 years journey of self-discovery.
On experience and expertise: An interview with one of UPDIVISION’s senior developers

November 12th, 2020, posted in our_people
by admin

On experience and expertise: An interview with one of UPDIVISION’s senior developers

Our senior developer and team lead, Alin, has been with UPDIVISION since 2014. We sat down via Meet and interviewed him about his career, his growth as a developer, and his future plans.